Go Green Engineering Ltd is currently experiencing Company identity fraud. We have been informed by Devon & Cornwall Trading Standards that someone is using our company identity to cold call customers trying to sell them building products and improvements. This is something we do not undertake as we are Energy Consultants and do not supply or install any kind of material or technology. If you experience this please call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, we are sorry if you have been a victim of this crime.

Services for Planning

As of 2022, climate emergencies have been declared by many local authorities.

This has meant that increasingly planning authorities are requesting detailed reports outlining the carbon footprint and environmental impact of proposed new buildings or renovations – and an outline of how the carbon footprint will be reduced.

Go Green will prepare the necessary sustainability reports, outlining the proposed technology and how it will reduce carbon emissions at the end of the project.

This helps to bolster planning applications by demonstrating how green, low impact, low carbon based building will be implemented.

We work with planning consultants, self-builders, home owners and developers.

Client stories: Planning

Low energy consultancy for a ‘dream come true’ Passivhaus home
Working with a developer/project manager on ventilation and heat recovery
Heating and cooling design for a retrofit Passivhaus